I have thoroughly enjoyed Machiel’s Tai Chi lessons at the Tai Chi School Bai Long for several years now and recently decided to take one-on-one lessons to be able to work in depth on the Yang style 43 form. Machiel’s immense knowledge of the philosophical and physiological background of Tai Chi and his excellent eye for details helps me develop a much deeper understanding of the many small but crucial elements of individual movements. His enthusiastic and passionate way of teaching makes his classes truly motivating.
We usually end our personalized sessions with a tailormade workout regime designed to strengthen specific muscle groups and improve focus and balance, which has already led to noticeable improvements after only a few sessions. Starting this personal training with Machiel was one of the best decisions I ever made, and I can highly recommend it to anyone looking for a way to combine elements of fitness, strength training, and physical and mental forms of relaxation based on individual needs.
Marietta Messmer (Groningen)
Marietta Messmer